Maryland State Rifle and Pistol Association 2A Defense Fund
In response to the growing need to redress infringements of Second Amendment and gun rights in the courts, the Maryland State Rifle and Pistol Association (MSRPA) has created the Maryland State Rifle and Pistol Association 2A Defense Fund.
All donations will go toward supporting legal fees involving Second Amendment and gun related cases. You can either donate by mail:
MSRPA 2A Defense Fund
341 Whitfield Rd.
Catonsville, MD 21228-1808
or on-line using
Please note all contributions are not tax deductible.
Why should you join the State Association?
The NATIONAL Rifle Association sponsors and sanctions National Competitions, and defends your rights in Washington, DC.
The STATE Association sponsors and sanctions local competitions in Maryland, and defends your rights in Maryland
By joining the Maryland State Rifle and Pistol Association, you are eligible for membership at the Associated Gun Clubs of Baltimore, Inc
MSRPA organizes and conducts state championship matches in all shooting disciplines
MSRPA promotes the establishment of safe shooting ranges and hunting lands.
MSRPA sponsors the official Maryland State Rifle Team and the Maryland State Pistol Team.
MSRPA promotes hunting and emphasizes safety and hunter education.
MSRPA develops, promotes, funds and maintains active and ongoing Junior Programs.
MSRPA is fully affiliated with the Director of Civilian Marksmanship and the National Board for the Promotion of Rifle Practice.